Tips for kids on Peace Values and Virtues

Tips for kids on Peace Values and Virtues

Tips for kids on Peace Values and Virtues

Posted on October 19th, 2023

In this blog post, we'll explore five practical tips to help you guide your children toward a path of peace.

5 Practical Tips for Instilling Peace Values in Kids

1. The Peace Gift: A Tangible Reminder of peace is Jesus' work on the Cross

One effective way to introduce the concept of peace to children is by showing them tangible ways to peace. Like when they communicate their emotions effectively in their social behavior. For example when they finally learned to share a toy and they feel joy and peace after resolving the conflict with a classmate or school friend. You congratulate them and highlight the outcome to how peace was reached. Then, give them the example of Jesus Christ or even disciples reaching an understanding positively on earth, resolving peace with religious leaders, town folks of their time and what succes it brought the cities.

Tip: When presenting this tangible example of peace to them, explain its significance and how it can bring feelings of tranquility or peace to their hearts. Use simple language and engage them in a conversation about what peace means to them.

2. Storytelling for Understanding

Children often grasp complex ideas through storytelling. Share age-appropriate stories or bible stories that illustrate the importance of peace, conflict resolution, forgiveness and unity. You can find numerous that revolve around these themes. Reading together not only provides quality bonding time but also opens up opportunities for discussions.

Tip: After reading, ask questions like, "What would you do if you were in that character's shoes?" or "How do you think they felt?" These questions encourage empathy and a heart reflection.

3. Create a Peaceful Space or "A Quiet place"

Designating a specific area in your home as a "peaceful space", where you dedicate that space to pray, devote yourself to collect your thoughts and feeling in prayer with God, can be a game-changer. This space should be a tranquil retreat where your child can go to calm down or reflect when they are upset, sad, stressed or full of emotions. Fill it with items that promote calmness, such as soft cushions, calm worship music, or a peaceful wall poster, scriptures, pictures of family, even written down answered prayers.

Tip: Encourage your child to use this space when they feel upset or when they need some quiet time. It's a practical way to teach them to go back to GOD for peace.

4. Practice Mindfulness Together

Mindfulness exercises can help children learn to be present in the moment and manage their emotions. Simple activities like being slow to speak (Proverbs), meditation on reading scripture and stories that brought peace in the word, or even a nature walk can be wonderful tools for teaching peace. Practice these activities together as a family to make them a part of your daily routine.

Tip: Use child-friendly mindfulness apps. ParentCue is a great source for daily talking tips for kids of any age.  

Even videos to guide your sessions together. At home we use "Douglas Talks" on YouTube channel. Make it fun by incorporating games or storytelling into the exercises! 

5. Lead by Example

Children learn by observing the adults in their lives. To instill peace values in kids, it's crucial for parents and caregivers to model peaceful behavior. Show them how to handle conflicts calmly, communicate effectively, and resolve disagreements with love and respect. We are imperfect beings. Asking for forgiveness when we are wrong. Even when they say we hurt them, it validates their emotions and they too learn accountability on forgiveness and asking for forgiveness, in conclusion, it brings a sense of unity again to them in the home and their spirit.

Tip: When conflicts arise, involve your child in the resolution process. Ask for their input on how to find a peaceful solution, teaching them the importance of compromise and understanding.


Bible verses for kids of Peace:,sense%20of%20comfort%20and%20rest. 

Nurture Peaceful Hearts with You Garments of Praise

In the journey of instilling peace values in kids, remember the wisdom of 1 Corinthians 16:13-14:

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love."

At Your Garments of Praise, we are committed to helping you raise children who embrace peace and love. Our customized faith children's clothing is designed to inspire and remind your little ones of the values that matter most.

Explore our collection of faith-inspired garments at Your Garments of Praise and discover clothing that celebrates the message of peace. Together, we can build a future of unity in Christ for our children.

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